Sunday, November 21, 2010

Video Project

For my video project I set my images to "La Vie En Rose" by Edith Piaf. I was inspired by this song to make a rose themed stop motion video.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Lead Pencil Studio: Annie & David

The Lead Pencil Studio is a collaboration of Annie and David. Architects turned artists. They are interested in creating things like billboards, ex: the billboard on the border of Canada and the US (Vancouver and Seattle) It was made by welding wire together and it is a billboard of the sky as it is when you see it. They have also created a scaffolding sculpture across the river from a museaum.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Corinne May Botz

Corinne May Botz is a photographer. Her books are called The Nutshell Series of Unexplained Death, Parameters, and Haunted Houses. The Nutshell Series of Unexplained Death is of doll houses that portray murder scenes. These are often used with police officer training to study a crime scene and try to find out what happened in the scene based on the available evidence. Parameters is a series of photographs of the homes of people who suffer from agoraphobia. While the series Haunted Houses is just that, a photographic exploration of haunted houses throughout the country.